Daniele Monaco

Daniele Monaco

Freelance journalist, he has collaborated with Ansa, QN-Il Giorno, and Wired Italia, where. He writes about Economics and digital issues. He works alongside press offices and communication agencies as a copywriter and consultant for the production of content related to digital transformation, innovation, sustainability, Industry 4.0, for companies, associations, public bodies, consortia and startups. 
Professional since 2010, he graduated from the University of Milan, the city where he resides and obtained a master's degree in Journalism from the Catholic University.

The road to switching to electric cars is (still) full of potholes

Italy slows down in the decarbonisation of transport. Without an acceleration of green policies, bold incentives for the purchase of low-emission cars and greater regulatory clarity on recharging infrastructures, the country risks falling even further behind, according to the latest Smart Mobility Report by Milan’s Polytechnic University

Decentralized. Web3 or the new identity in the cyber universe

What is it and how does the third-generation World Wide Web work, the heralded revolution facilitated by blockchain, promising to put the user back at the centre of the Net

“Area B, cycling and parking: Milan needs more courage on mobility”

Enlarging the urban toll area, paid parking spaces for residents and an integrated cycle network: Milan needs a decisive policy of orientation towards sustainable mobility to overcome the contradictions of the post-Covid era. We talk about this with Edoardo Croci, promoter in 2008 of Ecopass, the first pollution charge ever applied in Lombardy's capital city

The great challenges of urban mobility at the dawn of a new era

The manifold changes and unexpected turmoils which happened in recent years still require a radical rethinking of mobility, at every level. Here’s how public transit, private transportation and traffic in cities may transform over the next years according to Guillaume Thibault, who launched the Oliver Wyman Mobility Forum

Here's why everyone is talking about lithium

It is the new resource symbol of the ecological and digital transition in mobility and beyond. Growing demand is about to outstrip supply and may turn lithium into the “new oil”, 90% of whose production is concentrated in only three countries in the world

Everything we know (so far) about nuclear fusion

Profile of a possible new energy source, which would have a limited environmental impact. Scientific research has been at work since the 1950s, but the first power plants may only be realised as of 2050. And meanwhile the world's energy needs are growing

Like trains, but on the motorway: here is “truck platooning”

Seeing a truck travelling without a driver might not be so unusual in the future. Communication and semi-automated driving technologies are already making it possible to create fleets of trucks connected to each other and to the infrastructure to reduce consumption and emissions, increasing efficiency and safety

Flying again, flying better

From vertiports for drones to reading post-Covid markets, from intermodal mobility to hydrogen: these are some of the strategies that the SAVE Group has put in place to lock in on the recovery of the airport sector, which is expected to experience a general revival from 2022 onward. We spoke about it with the CEO, Monica Scarpa

The countdown to electric charging in the EU has already begun

The Green Deal aims at having one million charging points in the European Union in three years, but problems of several types complicate the take-off of electric mobility. The latest deadline for completing the deployment of a modern infrastructure is 2035

Investing in infrastructures as the backbone of innovation and sustainable future

Investors need to spot the new trends in Infrastructures, and finance has a big role in promoting ESG and innovation criteria. Which are the most promising sectors and applications? How sustainability concerns are affecting investing choices? Infra Journal meets Fraser Hughes, founder and chief executive at GLIO, the Global Listed Infrastructure Organization

From the new internet, a trampoline for post-pandemic recovery

Increased telecommunication capacity, modern 5G infrastructure, fibre optic access to the ultra-broadband and the Internet of Things open up opportunities for exponential growth in various sectors of the economy

Supersonic and green travel

The plane is called Overture and it is the descendent of the historic Concorde. Debuting in 2030, it promises to connect London and New York in three and a half hours. The ambition is to make the journey available to all and completely emission free.

Logistics and ecommerce calling for a new infrastructure

While drone delivery is now a reality, today the biggest challenge involves both last-mile and transoceanic distribution