A young space leader, from Sicily to Mars: Chiara Cocchiara’s challenge

A brilliant student who overturned all preconceptions and, starting from the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, established herself in the world as a pioneer of space and the emerging space economy: the story, ambitions and projects of Chiara Cocchiara, an award-winning aerospace engineer with a penchant for the red planet

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From the orbital debut of Sputnik to futuristic colonies on Mars, passing through the emerging Space Economy: satellite and space missions have been writing a major new chapter in human history for over 60 years. The sector is no longer the preserve of government agencies alone, and the space infrastructure is increasingly a driver of technological and scientific development that brings innovation into people's lives.

“Pioneers of the Future”, Infra The Mundys Journal podcast, talks to Chiara Cocchiara, an award-winning aerospace engineer from EUMETSAT, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites. Born in southern Sicily, Cocchiara is a young space leader who quickly established herself in a typically male-dominated field of work and research after a brilliant course of studies in STEM subjects. Today, Cocchiara collaborates in the preparation of space projects, studies and designs new technologies for the aerospace sector, leads several initiatives in the world of education, and was also commander of a NASA mission to simulate life on Mars.

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Text: Gianluca Cedolin
Narrated by: Giuditta Avellina
Editorial coordination: Teresa Bellemo
Sound: Luca Piceno
Editorial staff: Daniele Monaco
Interview: Chiara Cocchiara, ingegnere aerospaziale all'Agenzia spaziale europea, Eumetsat e Space generation advisory council
Production: Studio Editoriale

Pioneers of the future - A podcast series by Infra The Mundys Journal

Pioneers of the future is the podcast by Infra Journal. The second season is a six-installments journey through some of the most relevant innovations of the last 30 years, trying to hypothesize their impact over the next 20. As always, featuring the lives and adventures of the innovators who are shaping our present and even the future.

How is a breakthrough invention conceived? Which challenges had its creator to overcome? What are the needs, the fears and the beliefs of these pioneers in thought and imagination? Pioneers of the future collects the stories of the masters who are shaping the course of our times, through a podcast narration made of voices, anecdotes and interviews.

Men and women, well known and less well known, who stay faithful to their ideals and intuitions, even when nobody else was able to see along with them. Their ideas still pose many questions to us, but at the same time they are a promise to improve our lives, capable of lighting up our way of living, communicating, moving and traveling. All around the world.

Infra Journal Newsroom - The widespread editorial staff of Infra Journal is made up of qualified journalists and experts in the sector. It aims to regularly provide data, information, trends and analysis for those who strive to put in motion the community to which they belong.

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