From orbital tourism to satellite Internet, from missions to the Moon together with Nasa to the conquest of Mars: these are the space dreams of the world’s richest men who, after achieving billionaire success on Earth, have turned their gaze to infinity and beyond.
Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are the protagonistsof the second episode of the second season of “Pioneers of the Future”, the podcast of Infra The Mundys Journal. If the new space race has found renewed momentum, it is largely due to them and their companies, leaders in the space economy.
United by a frontier spirit, extraordinary entrepreneurial flair and a declared desire for progress for mankind, these tycoons aim to conquer ever larger slices of this new market. So, let’s go to the origins, motivations and strategies of these somewhat megalomaniac pioneers who, between a touch of boredom and great ambitions, aim to definitely change our future.
Text: Gianluca Cedolin
Narrated by: Giuditta Avellina
Editorial coordination: Teresa Bellemo
Sound: Luca Piceno
Editorial staff: Daniele Monaco
Interview: Pietro Minto, journalist
A production by: Studio Editoriale
Pioneers of the future - A podcast series by Infra The Mundys Journal
Pioneers of the future is the podcast of Infra The Mundys Journal. The second season is a six-episodes journey through some of the most relevant innovations of the last 30 years, trying to hypothesize their impact over the next 20. As always, featuring the lives and adventures of the innovators who are shaping our present and even the future.
How is a breakthrough invention conceived? Which challenges had its creator to overcome? What are the needs, the fears and the beliefs of these pioneers in thought and imagination? Pioneers of the future collects the stories of the masters who are shaping the course of our times, through a podcast narration made of voices, anecdotes and interviews.