The management of Mundys Group

The management of Mundys Group

Mundys, born to be a global leader in sustainable integrated mobility service

The Deputy Chairman of Mundys, Alessandro Benetton: “We are embarking on a new chapter in our business journey, joined by the people who have accepted this challenge.” The Chairman, Giampiero Massolo: “We want to serve the communities in which we operate, creating competitiveness and jobs. Whilst our head and heart will always be in Italy, international expansion is our goal.”

A renewed shareholder base, a new management team and a new growth strategy focusing on overseas expansion, with the aim of becoming a global leader in the management of infrastructure and the provision of sustainable integrated mobility services.

This is the inspiration behind “Mundys”, the new company resulting from a radical transformation process, followed by the conclusion of the public tender offer in December 2022.

Mundys’s strategic goal is to continue the Group’s growth and modernisation, investing in sustainable infrastructure (primarily airports and motorway networks) and in technological innovation, supporting people at all stages in their journey, whether across town or long-distance, by providing quality services designed with a view to caring for the environment. The goal is to become the number one group in the infrastructure sector over the next 5 years, investing in innovation, sustainability and passenger service quality.

Mundys is already present in 24 countries, managing iconic and strategic assets and infrastructure and services that are integrated with each other. Every year, over 3bn journeys are made by light and heavy vehicles on the Group’s motorway networks, whilst the Company’s Italian (Fiumicino and Ciampino) and French (Nice, Cannes and Saint Tropez) airports play host to 60m passengers and a further 7m use Telepass’s mobility services.

Mundys also has a presence in more than 600 major cities throughout the world (including London, Miami, Singapore and Bogotà), providing innovative urban mobility platforms that improve traffic flow and cut emissions. The new business has over 23,000 employees, of which around 6,000 in Italy alone.

The name of the holding company - approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders held on 14 March - and the growth strategy for the coming years were presented on 14 March in Milan.

On that occasion. Giampiero Massolo (Chairman of Mundys), Alessandro Benetton (Chairman of Edizione and Deputy Chairman of Mundys) and Enrico Laghi (CEO of Edizione) had their first opportunity to meet the management teams of the Group’s main asset companies: José Aljaro Navarro (CEO of Abertis), together with Ana Bonet Olivart (CCEO of Elizabeth River Crossing), Gabriele Benedetto (CEO of Telepass), Franck Goldnadel (CEO of Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur), Diego Savino (CEO of Grupo Costanera), Marco Troncone (CEO of Aeroporti di Roma) and Jan Villwock (CFO of Yunex Traffic).

“On the one hand, the birth of Mundys marks the conclusion of a year’s work, during which we have delivered a radical transformation and completely reshaping our values and the business,” said Edizione’s Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Mundys, Alessandro Benetton. “On the other,” he continued, “it is the start of a new chapter in our business journey, which we wish to forge with our new partners, Blackstone, and the new team of professionals who have joined the Group, adding value thanks to their expertise in overseas expansion, innovation and sustainable growth. Born in Italy to compete throughout the world, Mundys’s ambition is to operate and build sustainable, innovative infrastructure, making destinations more attractive and simplifying the lives of people on the move. This is the true spirit of the new entity that we have created together with the women and men whose task, each day, is to serve millions of travellers,” concluded Benetton.

The Chairman of Mundys, Giampiero Massolo, said: “Today, a traveller can leave from Fiumicino airport, land in Nice, travel by car from Paris to the north of France, head to the UK through the Channel Tunnel, drive around the roads of London, return and pay for their parking using Telepass. During their trip, they will be able to count on infrastructure or services operated by Mundys. These,” proceeded Massolo, “are the advantages of an integrated mobility system that requires infrastructure to be managed efficiently, the different platforms to talk to each other and the development of intermodality. This is where we intend Mundys to focus its energies in our interactions with our asset companies. We also aim to put ourselves forward as a partner bringing benefits in terms of jobs, services and competitiveness to the areas that host our infrastructure, conscious and proud of the fact that we are exporting Italian know-how and expertise,” concluded the Chairman of Mundys.

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