In the City that changes but remains Eternal: in Rome with Mint List

A city «slow in its global vision» but that «moves a lot in the daily»: it is Rome, in the story of Maria Azzurra Rossi, co-founder of Mint List, an advertising and communication agency. Here the transformations of mobility and urbanism have returned new life and interest to neighborhoods and squares, where the stories of millions of citizens, tourists and non-residents weave together

“Inside the City” #02 - Mint List

“Rome always surprises you, because you never really get to know it. It has this ease of becoming immediately neighborhood... And there are many neighborhoods that have changed over the years, have developed: Pigneto, Torpignattara and Centocelle since the opening of the new metro have seen a new development, a flourishing. One of the last to see this change is the Esquiline area».

The journey through the character and urban transformations of Rome begins with the words of Maria Azzurra Rossi, co-founder together with Giulia Milza of Mint List, a public relations and communication agency dedicated to the world of architecture, design and events, founded in the Capital in 2013.

A story started from Piazza Madonna dei Monti, which is intertwined with that of millions of workers and students, citizens and tourists, who move every day to millions in the shadow of monuments, streets and palaces places both witnesses and protagonists of the history of a City, which in its change remains Eternal.

“The advice that I often give to friends who come to visit it is: do not make too many programs about where to go, maybe tourist places but simply discover. Rome is slow in its global vision but then in the daily moves a lot, sometimes it is a crazy pinball”.

The Passenger - A web series by Infra Journal

One city, one protagonist. “Inside The City” is the title of the new season of The Passenger by Infra Journal, a collection of stories told through the words and the eyes of the people featured in each episode. Mobility and urban landscapes are the main themes of the series, shooted in various Italian cities.

A journey to discover the spirit of these places, their “genius loci”, but also the changes that happen here in the way of moving, living and working . The interviewees, with their sensitivities and attitudes, will drive us through streets, neighbourhoods and metropolises, in an inextricable maze of suggestions and experiences, towards the future smart city. Many stories with different voices, to explore, understand and, why not, be inspired.

Infra Journal Newsroom - The widespread editorial staff of Infra Journal is made up of qualified journalists and experts in the sector. It aims to regularly provide data, information, trends and analysis for those who strive to put in motion the community to which they belong.

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