Mobility| Cities Transports

“Free”. The revolution you won't expect, in Genoa

The bet won by the Ligurian capital: free tickets and up to 55% lower fares to increase turnover. Here's how AMT, the company that manages public transport, did it

Goods and data in the crosshairs: how war is choking global trade in the Red Sea

Since November, the number of containers passing through the strait in front of Yemen has fallen by 70% and re-routing navigation around Africa is raising fears for a new spin on inflation. To make matters worse, militias may even target submarine cables passing through this route, a jugular vein for global trade and communications

Bogotà: an outsider’s model for sustainable, safe and inclusive mobility

When the Colombian capital was facing an urban mobility crisis, in the 1990s, it deemed impossible that it was going to be an award winner for its sustainable transportation, in the years to come. But Bogotà has actually incepted a virtuous model, being replicated around the world. Let’s see how it could make it, with "City Profiles" column by Infra Journal

Cybersecurity, the 5 biggest risks for the electric and connected car

Electrification leads to increasingly digitised, networked (V2X, V2I, V2V...) and self-driving vehicles and infrastructures. Vehicle mobility is increasingly becoming an attractive attack surface for malicious actors and software: here are the major vulnerabilities to watch out for, for the safety of roads and drivers

A world-class leader in public transit: here is the Hong Kong model

A well planned infrastructure, joined with a unique business plan makes Hong Kong a best practice in public transports. Here 8 people out of 10 prefer railways, trams and buses rather than private cars. And the system is even profitable

Fast & virtuous: fast charging for all through super cables

Superconductive electrical networks, made from an innovative material, could enable both electric and hydrogen fast charging along motorways. A flexible, versatile and large-scale solution for mass users, resulting also from Cern research

The 5 key actions to change the transports in a sustainable way

Changing technology or energy sources is not the only step to transform a sector that produces 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Efficient mobility services, more inclusive urban planning and barrier-free infrastructure are needed

Autarkic or rational? Routine or variety? 4 ways to live the road

Who are and what do typical users of new "Mobility as a Service" want? Which integrated, smart and sustainable mobility services are best suited to their needs? A survey by MobiUs, the SDA Bocconi and Mundys laboratory, tries to reveal MaaS target market profiles and needs

PoliMove, pushing autonomous driving a bit further

“We explore the limits of technology to push it to the limit and master it”, Sergio Savaresi, professor at Politecnico di Milano, states after the success of the PoliMove team that set the speed record in Las Vegas in a competition against nine AV teams. “But the road to autonomous driving is still long on our roads”

The robotaxi goes on the road and the competition is open

The robot taxi is almost a reality: Google, Amazon, Baidu and other companies are developing autonomous vehicles in several cities around the world

People-friendly mobility: the cities that really believe in it

Public transport, pedestrian areas, soft mobility and charging stations are just a few strategies to improve the quality of urban mobility. Let's see how the five cities at the top of the global sustainability challenge do it

"Traffic is not what it used to be". A new mentality in driving

Autonomous driving, micro-mobility, sharing, limits to vehicular traffic: a new motorist approach to mobility is needed. With the downsized role of the private motor and the car as a commodity, new paradigms emerge in traffic psychology

“Changing mobility is no more an option and the key is data”

“We need to transform traffic from scratch to reach the emissions goals set by the EU Green Deal”, says Markus Schlitt, CEO at Yunex Traffic, a global leader in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The task is ambitious, but it becomes feasible if you know where to start…

Mechanic profession at risk? No, it just changed

Increasingly electric and connected cars have led the figure of the mechanic to evolve into a mechatronics technician and to diversify the repair figure roles. The parent company will be increasingly involved in the IT component

Electric or fossil fuel car: here is which really pollutes less

Let there be no doubt: even in the worst-case scenario an electric car already has 30 per cent less impact than an equivalent petrol or diesel. And things are bound to improve

Italy's first vertiport deployed at Fiumicino Airport

Aeroporti di Roma (ADR), Atlantia, UrbanV, and the pioneer of urban air mobility (UAM), Volocopter, have successfully completed the first crewed eVTOL test flights in Italian airspace. It's the first time such an event ever happened in the Italian air space

Human beings can fly, according to these daring inventors

Taking off from the ground, soaring independently, covering kilometres of distance and overcoming any obstacle like a bird: the dream of flying has fascinated man since the dawn of time, but now, after a century of continuous technological innovation, it seems to be within reach. Also in “green” energy format

The novel sinergies in mobility for tourists and residents

As the first post-COVID summer travel season winds down, have destination cities learned to build back better? Here is how innovative services for visitors can improve the quality of a smooth and resilient day-by-day transportation network for residents too

Supercars at the electric breakthrough

High-performance electric cars are already a reality, but there are several unknowns about the future of the sector, starting with reliability

From cargo to aerotaxis, eVTOLs are ready to take to the skies

At the dawn of Urban air mobility (UAM) there are already hundreds of ongoing projects of electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft worldwide, but some are closer to the finish line. Here is a selection of four of the most promising ones

Like trains, but on the motorway: here is “truck platooning”

Seeing a truck travelling without a driver might not be so unusual in the future. Communication and semi-automated driving technologies are already making it possible to create fleets of trucks connected to each other and to the infrastructure to reduce consumption and emissions, increasing efficiency and safety

Utopia comes true: the 5 most advanced flying cars

Innovative companies, start-ups and researchers are pooling resources, energy and expertise to create electric hypercars, which can also function as flying vehicles. From scale models to already approved ones, here are five state-of-the-art projects

Self-driving buses and shuttles: the 5 most advanced cities in Italy

From Turin to Bari, from Merano to the MaaS projects in Rome and Milan: cities in Italy are also moving toward introducing modern, flexible and sustainable self-driving public transportation services. Here are the experiments at the cutting-edge

A direct flight from continental Europe to Australia: a historical first

Flying directly from continental Europe to Australia is today finally a reality. Innovations and agreements have brought us to this historic day for aviation. Such news implies plenty of strategic and economic advantages, both for countries and travellers

Mobility as a social inclusion driver in cities

Infrastructures and mobility services connecting outskirts to centers provide social equity and give a chance to overcome marginalization. The transportation system can be crucial for facilitating social participation and levelling inequalities

Hyperloop, ultra-speed in an open source idea

The new frontier of innovation in ground transportation is Hyperloop, the "train of the future" conceived by Elon Musk. It will allow travel at 1,200 km/h in a depressurised tube through magnetic levitation. But the technological challenge is still open

Here's why zero emissions in aviation is a major challenge

The COP26 conference established the goal of zero emissions for the aviation industry by 2050. Airports and airlines are adopting anti-pollution initiatives, but public incentives would be useful in support of this commitment in an area of key importance for the economy

Hydrogen a new challenge for greener airports

Hydrogen as a power source to relieve the environmental impact in aviation: this is the OLGA Project, as approved by the European Commission, with a total budget of 34 millions euro. But others are also considering this innovation

Off limits: closed airspace. The impacts

Russia is no longer considered a reliable aviation partner, and the war is likely to make the uncertainty structural after the last two years of pandemic. Aviation has always recovered after times of international crisis, but the unknown comes at a price

Airports beyond the pandemic: alliances and sustainability for a restart

The industry is looking ahead to restore traffic volumes to pre-pandemic levels and beyond the war arisen in Ukraine. Infra Journal spoke about it with Alfonso Celotto, president of Aeroporti 2030

How to cut gas emissions from transportation by 90% in the EU

The new European Urban Mobility Framework addresses mobility issues in 424 EU cities, as one of the key updates to Trans-European Transport Network (Ten-T), approved by the EU Commission. This whole package of actions, amendments and recommendations has the potential to kick off wide improvements for mobility among the member states

SAF and e-fuels: the wild card to fly "green"

Authorities, air companies and fuel providers are increasingly looking into sustainable aviation fuels (Saf) and "e-fuels" as an alternative to fossil hydrocarbons. How are these fuels made? What are the pros and cons? Some operators are leading the way in Europe

Investing in sustainable mobility is worth the costs

Transitioning to a more sustainable transport system in our cities will require huge investments, in new technologies and new infrastructures. But these are investments worth taking, experts argue, if we want to solve more problems at the same time

The Trans-Siberian: the longest railway line in the world

This 10-thousand-kilometre-long railway line from Moscow to Vladivostok, was built at the end of the 19th century by more than 90-thousand workers, most of whom were forced labourers. Goods, minerals and raw materials still pass this way today but, most of all; the Trans-Siberian has become a symbol of a journey to the outer reaches of our world

Autonomous vehicles and the future of public transport

Self-driving cars are finally here and big automakers are racing to develop fully autonomous vehicles. This mode of transportation will certainly be less polluting and environmentally friendly, but it will not solve the problem of traffic congestion. And this is where public transport will still have a role to play

Circular runways ideal solution to increase airports’ capacity

Square the Circle. Dutch air traffic control expert Henk Hesselink thinks he’s found the ideal solution to airport congestion – circular runways. But can planes really land in a continuous loop?

That strange desire for car-sharing

According to a study by Doxa, four key trends will change the face of European mobility within the next 10 years. Here are the issues still on the table to facilitate a green and smart approach to the future

Logistics and ecommerce calling for a new infrastructure

While drone delivery is now a reality, today the biggest challenge involves both last-mile and transoceanic distribution