Carlo Stagnaro

Carlo Stagnaro

He is research and studies director of the Bruno Leoni Institute. Previously he was Head of the Minister's Technical Secretariat at the Ministry of Economic Development. He graduated in Environmental and Territorial Engineering from the University of Genoa and a PhD in Economics, Markets, Institutions from IMT Alti Studi - Lucca. He is part of the editorial staff of the magazines Energia and Aspenia and is a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Institute of Economic Affairs. He is an economic columnist for the newspapers Il Foglio and Il Secolo XIX. His latest book, co-written with Alberto Saravalle, is Against economic sovereigism (Rizzoli, 2020).

Is electrification putting workplaces at risk?

The European plan "Fit For 55" is aiming at reducing emissions in mobility. But the change in production raised concerns among industry associations and components makers, about workplaces put at risk by this radical change. Is the "green" emergency and innovation a foe to full employment?

Keeping the balance of values in an upset world-market

Countries all over the world have rediscovered the value of safety in economy, after two years of pandemic and the outbreak of the war in Russia-Ukraine. But this fair need must not be mistaken as an end of globalization

Globalization is still key to end semiconductor crisis

Bottlenecks in semiconductors supply chain are stressing crucial industries for the economic recovery in Western countries, such as tech and automotive. Once leader in production and then dismissed, the EU and US are taking remedial actions to regain the spot, along with major companies: is globalization taking a new shape?

Economic growth and social goals: how to untie the infrastructure procurement knot

With many factors at stake, cost-benefit analysis is not always enough to evaluate infrastructure investments, according to the author.

Cyber security: the key to automated driving

Companies that invest and develop cars with automated driving must solve a significant problem: the cyber security of their IT components.